1 Greatest Common Factor Calculator - GCF Calculator

Greatest Common Factor Calculator

Greatest common factor (GCF) calculator. Is also known as greateset common divisor (GCD).

GCF calculator

First number:
Second number:
Greatest common factor (gcf):
Least common multiple (lcm):

GCF example

Find GCF for numbers 8 and 12:

The divisors of 8 are:

8 = 2×2×2

The divisors of 12 are:

12 = 2×2×3

So the common divisors of 8 and 12 are:

gcf = 2×2 = 4

So 8/12 fraction, can be reduced to 2/3:

8 / 12 = (8/4) / (12/4) = 2 / 3


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