1 Arccos(x) Calculator | Inverse cosine calculator

Arccos Calculator

Angle in degrees:
Angle in radians:

Cosine calculator ►

Arccos definition

arccos(x) = cos-1(x)


For example, If the cosine of 60° is 0.5:

cos(60°) = 0.5

Then the arccos of 0.5 is 60°:

arccos(0.5) = cos-1(0.5) = 60°

Arccos table

x arccos(x)
degrees radians
-1 180° π
-0.8660254 150° 5π/6
-0.7071068 135° 3π/4
-0.5 120° 2π/3
0 90° π/2
0.5 60° π/3
0.7071068 45° π/4
0.8660254 30° π/6
1 0


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The condition with one obscure, which after the opening of sections and throwing of comparable individuals takes the structure ah + b = 0, where an and b are discretionary numbers, is known as a direct condition with one obscure. Today we will see how to explain these straight conditions. - For instance, all conditions: 2x + 3 = 7 - 0.5x; 0.3x = 0; x/2 + 3 = 1/2 (x - 2) - straight. The estimation of the obscure that turns around the condition to the right balance is known as the arrangement or the foundation of the condition. For instance, in the event that we substitute the number 2 in the condition 3x + 7 = 13 rather than the obscure x, at that point we get the genuine correspondence 3 · 2 +7 = 13. Henceforth, the worth x = 2 is the arrangement or the base of the condition. Furthermore, the worth x = 3 does not change over the condition 3x + 7 = 13 to a genuine balance, since 3 · 2 +7 ≠ 13. Subsequently, the worth x = 3 isn't an answer or a foundation of the condition. The arrangement of any straight conditions is diminished to the arrangement of conditions of the structure ah + b = 0. Move the free term from the left half of the condition to one side, changing the sign before b to the inverse, we get ah = - b. On the off chance that a ≠ 0, at that point x = - b/a.

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